Thursday, December 29, 2011

Monday, December 26, 2011

My New Puppy Seth

No one can replace my Tyler and my Sidney-God rest their souls.  But it is with great pleasure that I announce the newest member of my family-Seth in his DOGG outfit.   I need to get him a gold chain.  Seth was named by my nieces.
Here is another picture of him with certain parts blurred.  Don't want the females chasing him around just yet.  He's too young.
He is a bundle of movement and love.  He is a licker.  Nothing in this world is better than being licked by a puppy with puppy breath.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My Fireplace

Working on getting it together!  Finally got the tree (to the right of the fireplace) and have hung the stockings.  Going to get some glitter and write the names on the stockings with it-Onyx, Domino and Tyler.  She is still going to have hers.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Dust Devil

Now that's a dust devil.  My brother and I saw one in Death Valley in the back roads of Panamint Dunes.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Today's Quick Breakfast

I have been eating at home more and more.  The omelet is thin, stuffed with yellow and green bell peppers, a jalapeño pepper, onions and garlic.  It was good.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Self Portrait?

On our way to get Bordetella vaccine.  Rough image, taken while driving using my iPhone. That's my good looking boy-Domino.  Likes looking around and protecting me.  Behind you can just make out the red collar of Onyx aka Baby Girl.  Ty-Ty was behind me that day.