Sunday, December 23, 2012

Java Java Cafe - New Decor

Today I had a hankering for Benedict at Java Java Cafe.  So I schlep to The Heights and behold-a drastic change!   I had an Avocado Benedict with a good French roast coffee.  The food was great as usual, the service attentive and friendly.

They painted the place.  Please hurry and take a gander at the Google Maps link before it is changed.  What you see above is what made me stop the first time I passed by it.  I captured an image. The next time, I stopped and had breakfast.  Have quite a few since I found it. Wow!

The owner has owned the place for some 20 years.   He says business has doubled since he has made the changes.  But this is what I had to look at as I parked.

Finally, one last look...

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Another Launch

I am not sure what I did to this one. I think it is E6 film cross-processed in C-41.

Migas ala Mexicana

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sunday Dec 02

[iPhone Photo]
Went to my breakfast tacos place this AM and they had roasted chicken and beef fajita by the pound. So I made my own tacos.  Beef fajitas with roasted onion and jalapeño chiles, cilantro and a squeeze of lime when it was time to eat.

Saturday, December 1, 2012