Thursday, December 29, 2011

Monday, December 26, 2011

My New Puppy Seth

No one can replace my Tyler and my Sidney-God rest their souls.  But it is with great pleasure that I announce the newest member of my family-Seth in his DOGG outfit.   I need to get him a gold chain.  Seth was named by my nieces.
Here is another picture of him with certain parts blurred.  Don't want the females chasing him around just yet.  He's too young.
He is a bundle of movement and love.  He is a licker.  Nothing in this world is better than being licked by a puppy with puppy breath.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My Fireplace

Working on getting it together!  Finally got the tree (to the right of the fireplace) and have hung the stockings.  Going to get some glitter and write the names on the stockings with it-Onyx, Domino and Tyler.  She is still going to have hers.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Dust Devil

Now that's a dust devil.  My brother and I saw one in Death Valley in the back roads of Panamint Dunes.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Today's Quick Breakfast

I have been eating at home more and more.  The omelet is thin, stuffed with yellow and green bell peppers, a jalapeño pepper, onions and garlic.  It was good.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Self Portrait?

On our way to get Bordetella vaccine.  Rough image, taken while driving using my iPhone. That's my good looking boy-Domino.  Likes looking around and protecting me.  Behind you can just make out the red collar of Onyx aka Baby Girl.  Ty-Ty was behind me that day.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday on the Tracks

Today I met Tom for lunch, and we decided to head for Magnolia.  The perspective captured my interest.  And just one pace over...

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Monday, October 17, 2011

Foggy Morning

This morning was foggy, cold and wonderful... Except for the traffic.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sunday's Launch...

Got a call last night, "Home Depot, 7:00 AM."  I was wildly ecstatic!  7:00AM means I can sleep in.  At the end of this month, when the time changes, that 7:00 will wind up being 6:00 or earlier.  If we are flying from Chappell Hill or Texas A & M, that means I have to leave at 5AM, which means getting the babies up at 4:00AM!  Still, for today, 7:00AM is dark.

[ Taken by setting camera on roof of car., ]

[ Captains Anne and Dale (R) planning the flight ]
Today was a lot cooler than this summer.   A thin layer of ground fog in the open field.  It was decided we would launch from here.

I stopped shooting about here 'cause I had to actually get to work...  So, here is "Morning Kiss."

I've taken tons of photos and captures tons of images of Chameleon. 

And of course, no set is complete without the obligatory inside-out ones.

[ Morning Kiss ]

[ Chameleon ]
And finally, packing her away...

Digital images captured on a D70 with a Nikkor 50mm f/1.2 lens using sneaker zoom, or iPhone. Analog photos taken with a Canon 1V HS with an 18-55mm Macro Wide using Walgreens branded film (FujiFilm OEM) ISO 200 (Paid a buck a piece). Images are only cropped and maybe contrasted for upload.  Both camera have a polarizer.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Today's Egg White Natures Omelet

Todays breakfast is Egg White Natures Omelet. This time around, the changes I made were adding red onions sliced so thinly they only have one side.  Sautéed them slowly then added the egg whites. I then add a base of spicy sprouts (I think I like them better now than the alfalfa), layer thin avocado slices, Monterey Jack and sprinkle roasted sunflower seeds.  Sound weird?  Try it-you'll like it!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

ballunar 2010

[ 35mm Film Scan ]

Monday, September 26, 2011

 These images are from my Saturday Trip up 249N to Magnolia, then left down Farm-to-Market 1488.
[ 35mm Film Scan ]
On Farm-to-Market 1488W, you can see where fire crossed over the road.

[ 35mm Film Scan ]
I was able to spot the light pinkish patches of leftover fire retardant on the roadway and grass adjacent.

[ 35mm Film Scan ]
I did not take any pictures, or capture any images of the homes.   I had intended to but when you saw them working hard on cleanup, I felt it would be a little exploitive to do so.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Jungle Jim

[ 35mm Film Scan ]

[ 35mm Film Scan ]

Friday, September 23, 2011

Coffee for a Hard Week

This week has been so hard for the HPC team and for me.  Long, long hours with tons of things being thrown on my plate.  Coffee kept me going.  But the weekend is finally here!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Man of the Hour

M-A-N!! Another ScrapDaddy creation.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Pot Cemetery

Today is the 10th anniversary of 9/11.  I remember leaving the cafeteria at work with Tom to find the first plane had hit the tower.  I am also thinking of my late sainted grandmother who taught me, by her actions, what  doing right is.

This is the Antique Rose Emporium pot cemetery.  Where good ol' pots go to heaven.

The word for today?  Elegiac.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Happy Couple

Such wonderful people make getting up early worthwhile.  This was a two weddings and an anniversary weekend.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Did I Say, "Very Early in the Morning?"

[35mm Film Scan FujiColor ISO 400]
We do get up very early in the morning to get ready while the wind are still calm.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


[35mm Film Scan FujiColor ISO 400]

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Another Pano

Digital Panorama 4 images
Today was a great day starting out with a great launch from Chappell Hill.  I love this picture because it begins to show country, something you don't get to see much in Houston-and I live in the 'burbs.   The heat felt good with a cool gentle breeze until about 10:00 or so, when we put the envelope in the trailer.  Then the heat got me.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Sat August 20th

[iPhone Photo]
Meet up was 6:45 today and I got up early enough to get to Starbucks.   As I got in my car, lo and behold, Dale and Laura drove by.  So I followed.  This is going south on Highway 6, south of the infamous Patterson Road.

The Launch site, just down the street from last week's flight.  Kit was actually working that one.

The Lake
Blue Drifter


And why do we do this?

For this!!!!