Tuesday, May 11, 2010

72 - There's an app for that too!

This is one we rate a failure.  I downloaded a panorama app from iTunes but messed it up. It even has guides on the edges from the previous image.  I should have worn my reading glasses.  I was trying to make a pano so I can get my handyman to redo my fence and have MS Glenda help me plan my back yard. Having a passel of dogs and cats have made being out there problematic.
[iPhone Image(s)]


  1. I use Autostitch on my iphone and feel it does a great job of stitching a panol

  2. Thats the app I use to Angel. (Autostitch) for something like that I wouldnt use the iPhone though.

  3. I know Mike, the whole purpose of forcing me to use the iPhone is that it is not the camera.
