Sunday, August 8, 2010

161 - Ranchera Sauce

Today was downtime for me.  I did not hear Capt. Dale call the cell for Beau's flight. I really need to get his balloon, Blew Bayou in the calendar.  He's smart, he's funny and always watches my back and to make sure I don't screw up too badly.

This morning I went back to work on my ranchera sauce recipe.  What I am trying is to avoid is 30 ingredients and half a day of cooking.  I like where it is right now but it is not quite there yet. I have a base which is close (the jar in the picture) and with each try I add different things to test.  This morning it was Vietnamese cinnamon since I did not have Mexican.  Ooh, I just thought of what it might be... Oregano!  Mexican of course.  That is a hot sausage from Chappell Hill (two "L".)

Anyway, Mike, this is for you.

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