Monday, March 8, 2010

Waterdrop Mondays

Grrr... Still struggling at getting the image I have in my head to the camera.  I guess I am going to have to just keep at it until I get what I want.

The set up for these is a pan of water (I am using a black roller pan), a bag of water (for the drip) hanging from a hook, and a bounce I use to backlight the drops.  Last Monday I used a white bounce and changed the WB on the DSLR to tungsten which gave it that bluish glow.   Today, I went to Walmart and found a pink/yellow poster paper and used the pink side as the bounce.  I shot this one with a little longer lens.


1 comment:

  1. Keep at it. I like all the variations. The pink looks more magenta. You've got me thinking about filters and bounces with different colors.
